What is the International Baccalaureate?

Alumnos de Casvi Boadilla en clase estudiando con unas tablets siguiendo la metodología del Bachillerato Internacional

What the International Baccalaureate framework has brought is the methodology within the classroom. The educational evolution and the continuous search to improve the learning of our students has caused a change in the way of teaching, being now more dynamic and collaborative. But what is the International Baccalaureate?

It is an organization that aims to make its students have an international mindset. Through this educational model we stimulate students in their academic learning but also in their personal growth through inquiry units. It is a methodology in which children learn by doing. During the classes they investigate, experiment, and reflect on the knowledge acquired. In our center, teachers no longer give master classes as they traditionally did, but are in charge of guiding the student during the learning process.
In this way, our students develop skills and aptitudes through conceptual learning, experimentation, and inquiry. During the inquiry units, students ask questions, investigate and reflect on what they are learning and in this way, we are able to foster their critical and analytical skills.

The International Baccalaureate methodology fosters open-mindedness, in addition to many other attributes through three main programs:

  • PYP (Primary School Programme), for students in kindergarten and elementary school. These are the first stages of learning, during which they learn to form their own opinions and express them. In the PYP we work with inquiry units to help students learn about the world around them. This stage culminates with the PYP exhibition in which the students showcase all the knowledge acquired over the years
  • MYP (Middle Years Program), for secondary school students. With the leap to this stage, students continue to work on the attributes of the profile in an interdisciplinary manner. The aim is to understand what they are studying and take the learning to real situations, not to memorize, so they obtain a more significant learning. This stage also concludes when the students carry out a personal project chosen by themselves where they will show the skills and abilities they have acquired during all these years.
  • DP (Diploma Programme), for high school students, who develop their critical and analytical skills. When they finish this stage, they have to take the International Baccalaureate exams, which have a table of validations to access university without taking the Selectividad.
Niña escribiendo en un cuaderno en Casvi Boadilla en el Bachillerato Internacional
Alumnos atendiendo en clase según la metodología del Bachillerato Internacional

This learning is transferred to daily life through real actions. In this way, what we seek is that the students obtain a lifelong learning experience that they will not forget. In this way, we will help them to be able to manage on their own in a globalized and interconnected society.

In Casvi Boadilla, we are authorized to teach the first two IB programs (PYP and MYP). To this end, our teachers have received the necessary training in methodology and are constantly renewing their knowledge and teaching methods. To obtain the authorization, we improved our infrastructure with the opening of a PYP room and library.
In the end, we aim for our students to develop an international mindset by fostering their curiosity. To achieve this, we equip them with 10 attributes: inquirers, caring, balanced, open-minded, bold, upright, informed and educated, thinkers, reflective, and good communicators.
By working on all of them, students will finish their time at school prepared for the future and will find it easier to access any university in the world.
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