Not all education systems are the same, but there is no good or bad system. There are differences between educational systems. The world has changed over the years and with it, education has evolved, as there are many schools and universities in the world. we have been adapting our teaching in the Spanish educational system to train students who are capable of solving the problems of a future society; when they finish their schooling, they will have to face studying and working far from their environment, with peers from other cultures, who may not speak the same language as they do. For this reason, it is very important for schools to promote the multilingualism and open-mindedness.

Traditional system vs.
transdisciplinary learning
Advantages of the traditional system:
- For the teacher, the content and the way of teaching the class does not vary.
- The student learns by memorization, not having a true meaningful learning.
Disadvantages of the traditional system:
- The teacher has the knowledge, the content he teaches is not questioned.
- The student is only a receiver of knowledge, there is no real thinking, his attitude is passive, not creative; and he is only evaluated by standardized tests.
- In the current educational system, each discipline is learned separately, with no emphasis on its application to real life.
- There is no investment in teacher training, as innovation and new forms of teaching are neglected.
Advantages of transdisciplinary learning:
- The teacher accompanies the students in their learning, with new activities that encourage their reasoning and critical thinking.
- The student is the protagonist of the teaching process, learns through research and problem solving contextualized in life, develops creativity and skills while acquiring knowledge.
- We do not teach mathematics, language, science or music separately, we work in a transdisciplinary way, this means that we work at the same time between disciplines, through them and beyond single or separate disciplines, being a unit of knowledge not parceled, achieving a holistic and lasting learning.
- The student obtains a lasting learning experience, thus acquiring the ability to solve problems of daily life.
- The center has a team of teachers in continuous training, with knowledge of methodologies that put the student at the center of the learning process.
Disadvantages of transdisciplinary learning:
- The teacher must have adequate training, otherwise he/she will not adequately guide the students.
- The student does not use memorization as much.
- The center must have adequate facilities, not only inside the classrooms, but also outside in order to be able to carry out outdoor projects.
These are the main differences between the educational systems. Taking into account all of the above points, and knowing that we must be prepared to respond to a changing society, it is through the International Baccalaureate that we provide our students with the necessary tools to face future challenges. For it is by doing, through experimentation and inquiry, that they acquire skills, abilities and aptitudes. And they adopt an active attitude of lifelong learning, in addition to developing the attributes of the profile: inquirers, informed and educated, open-minded, thinkers, good communicators, upright, caring, bold, balanced and reflective.
And this is demonstrated by countries such as Estonia or Finland, which usually appear in the rankings for having the best educational system in the world, because they use participatory methodologies and through transdisciplinary learning seek to develop creativity and critical thinking of their students, carrying out projects that bring them closer to real-life situations, to reach actions that make our world a better place.