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Thanks to the technology in Casvi Boadilla, we can fulfill our main objective, to increase STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) vocations. Another of the objectives of technology in Casvi Boadilla is to achieve the professional development of our students and promote their technological competence from the early years.


Within technology at Casvi Boadilla, the Technology, Programming, and Robotics Department is especially important from 3rd grade onwards. Elementary school, when students begin to face new technological challenges. From that same course, the students begin to use Scracht and bMaker, the first programs with which they work with the use of blocks. With them, they carry out their first projects learning robotics and programming. In addition, they work in teams and develop their creativity and logical thinking. All this, through play.

In 5th and 6th grade, these programs are expanded and students begin coding with the Swift Playground application on their iPads.

In the 1st year of Secondary Education, students learn how to develop iPad video games with Scratch. They are also introduced to 3D design.

In the 2nd year of Secondary Education, students are confronted for the first time with textual programming languages through Processing, a language based on Java. In 3rd and 4th grades, they learn to build and program robotics projects using Arduino boards.

In Baccalaureate, our students begin to create their first databases using SQL and VisualBasic. They also create Android video games and apps, which they can then use outside the school on their own devices.


Nuestro Colegio Casvi Boadilla cuenta distintos medios de tecnología para que nuestros alumnos puedan aumentar sus logros en un futuro profesional

Since the 2013/2014 academic year, our students from 5th grade of Primary School to 4th grade of High School have been working on their own iPad, thus replacing most of the conventional textbooks. These books, in digital format, are produced by the center’s own teachers. They feature 3D graphics and images, videos, interactive activities, etc.

Casvi Boadilla has two computer rooms and a STEAM classroom, with almost 100 computers distributed between them. In addition, each classroom has a computer with Internet access, video projector and interactive and tactile whiteboards. The classrooms are equipped with Apple TV from 5th grade through 4th grade High School.

Nuestros alumnos, esta vez de Primaria se presentan al Concurso de Retotech.

Participation in Retotech

Our school has participated several years in a row in the Retotech initiative, an initiative of the Endesa Foundation to promote the STEAM vocations of our young people in Ed. Elementary School and High School. Throughout the process, students work as a group to propose a solution and present it at the end of the course at the regional level. 

Dentro del horario lectivo se imparte la asignatura Salud Digital ya que creemos que además de saber usarlo con fines educativos, deben aprender a utilizarlo de manera responsable y segura.

Digital Health

Students begin to work with the iPad as another learning tool from 5th grade. At school we believe that in addition to knowing how to use it for educational purposes, they should learn to  use it responsibly and safely. For this reason, within the school hours the subject of Digital Health is taught , which is complemented by exhibitions and workshops carried out by experts in the field, with the aim of preventing and avoiding network risks.  

We work to ensure that each student is able to recognize when they use the Internet excessively, and thus prevent the development of an addiction to technology. 

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