Colegios Casvi and EFQM +500 Seal: Commitment to Educational Excellence

Colegios Casvi y Sello EFQM +500: Compromiso con la excelencia educativa

At Casvi Schools, excellence is not just an objective, but a daily commitment. That is why, it is important for us to announce that we have renewed the EFQM +500 Seal.. A international recognition that certifies our management model based on continuous improvement, innovation and sustainability. This distinction, awarded by the Excellence in Management Club, reaffirms our leadership in the educational field and encourages us to continue to evolve.


The Excellence in Management Club has celebrated in Madrid the Day of Excellent, Innovative and Sustainable Management 2025, an event in which more than 80 organisations have been recognised with the EFQM Seal. Among them, our three schools, which have renewed it: Colegio Internacional Casvi Villaviciosa, Casvi International American School in Tres Cantos and Colegio Concertado Casvi Boadilla.

This recognition reflects our efforts to apply best practices in educational management, ensuring an optimal learning environment for our students and promoting continuous improvement in all areas of our organisation. Our management model allows us to anticipate changes in the environment and adapt flexibly to always offer the best training.


Colegios Casvi y Sello EFQM +500: Compromiso con la excelencia educativa 2

Renewing the EFQM +500 Seal not only positions us among the best educational centres. It also encourages us to continue innovating and improving. At Casvi, we believe in an education that transcends the classroom, forming global citizens prepared for a constantly changing world. We are committed to teaching based on values, the development of key competencies and the use of innovative methodologies that promote meaningful learning.

During this evaluation process, we have demonstrated our firm commitment to educational excellence, sustainability and digitalisation, three fundamental pillars in our strategy for the future. This achievement is the result of the joint effort of our entire educational community: teachers, students, families and non-teaching staff.

We will continue to work with the same commitment to make a difference in the education of our students, ensuring that our schools continue to be a benchmark for quality and excellence at an international level.


The Club Excelencia en Gestión is a non-profit association that promotes continuous improvement in organisations from different sectors. Its mission is to connect professionals, share knowledge and promote excellence, innovation and sustainability in management. Under the slogan ‘Sharing and improving together’, it promotes confidence in the future through effective management models.

Founded in 1991, it has more than 230 members and is the only official representative of EFQM in Spain. Its work includes training, advice and recognition of organisations seeking excellence through the implementation of the EFQM Model.

Colegios Casvi y Sello EFQM +500: Compromiso con la excelencia educativa1
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