The quality of services in Casvi Boadilla is also our flag: the route, the dining room and our extended hours. All this to make life easier for the families of our center.
One of the services in Casvi Boadilla is the school transportation, whose purpose is to facilitate the displacement of all those students who live in other towns. Also for those families living in Boadilla who have chosen us as a center for the education of their children. Therefore, we have two school routes: Boadilla and Majadahonda.
The buses are equipped with all the necessary safety measures. In addition, those students who opt for this service in Casvi Boadilla, will be always accompanied by a responsible monitor, who is a teacher at the school, and is in charge of supervising and ensuring their safety before, during and after the trip.
The menus, based on the Mediterranean diet, are prepared by expert nutritionists and prepared daily in our kitchen by the center’s own staff. . This is another of the services at Casvi Boadilla, for which the personnel receive regular training and courses on occupational risk prevention and food allergies.
In addition to the daily menu, an alternative menu is prepared for students who follow a specific diet, with special emphasis on food allergies.
It is the students’ tutors and teachers who are in charge of supervising this service, since education is also fundamental during meals.

The school has an extended timetable for those families who request it. This service at Casvi Boadilla offers a morning schedule starting at 7:30h until 9:00h, with breakfast, and in the afternoon from 7:00h to 18:00h.The service is totally free and is supervised, at all times, by the teaching staff of our school.