Our students face an interconnected, diverse, and ever-changing world. This is a great challenge, but also an opportunity. Being a charter school with language exchanges gives us the opportunity to provide a more international education than ever before.
As a charter school with exchange programs, our goal is for our students to have an increasingly international education and the opportunity to discover other cultures. For this reason, we have a Linguistic Exchange Program that goes from 5th grade of Elementary School to 4th grade of High School.
It is an experience that brings them many benefits, such as learning a foreign language, acquiring values such as respect and integrity, and improving their growth, autonomy, and confidence.
These exchanges are organized directly with the schools in the different countries, so there is no intermediary agency.
In order for the students to benefit from this intercultural education, we have exchanges with different countries.
In Tulsa (Oklahoma), 5th grade students have the opportunity to integrate into American culture for two months.
In the Virgin IslandsThe exchanges are with a school in St. Thomas, where they will discover the history and culture of St. Thomas for six weeks.
Delmenhorst and Berchtesgadenson are the cities that welcome for 10 days our students of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ESO who decide to broaden their cultural knowledge and put into practice their German outside our borders.
Winnipeges is the capital of the province of Manitoba, where the Louis Riel School with which our students are participating in this exchange program is located.

As a charter school with exchanges, each of them will be a totally different experience. However, they all agree that it is a totally enriching experience for families, students and the rest of the educational community. THESE ARE THE REASONS:
They reinforce the learning of a foreign language, as well as the history and culture of other countries.
Autonomy and adaptation
A broader perspective of the world is acquired. Autonomy is experienced and adaptability is practiced.
They develop values such as tolerance, cultural identity and respect for other cultures.
They stimulate self-esteem, self-confidence and maturity.
OECD Strategy
They orient education towards basic life skills as established by the OECD strategy.
Different cultures
And they allow to value different perspectives, based on the interrelation with people from different cultures.
We prepare students from an early age so that by the end of their school years they will be able to understand everything they hear or read and also be able to express themselves fluently and spontaneously in any context.

From the 2nd year of Elementary School, students have the possibility of taking the Starters, Movers, Flyers, and KET exams. From 6th grade onwards, those students who wish to do so can take the PET exam to evaluate their English skills. In the 2023-24 academic year, 100% of those who took the exam passed it . In 3rd and 4th E.S.O. they are prepared to take the First exam, while Baccalaureate students can take the Advanced exam; there are even students in the last stage of Secondary School who pass this level.
The tests are carried out at our facilities, with personnel from the British institution in charge of evaluating the students.