During the National Baccalaureate in Casvi Boadilla, we push our students beyond the academic field, helping them in their personal growth, giving them an advantage when it comes to going to University and also a development in the labor market. At this stage, we consolidate habits and routines that have been created during secondary school.

Thanks to our experience with the Spanish Baccalaureate, we know that this is a fundamental stage in the educational process of our students. For this reason, we want them to feel as accompanied as possible during the two courses.

We are aware that this is a time when our students have to make big decisions for the future, and for this reason we provide them with the necessary information to follow their own talent and development.

In Casvi Boadilla, our students can choose between two modalities and General Baccalaureate. On the one hand, Sciences and, on the other hand, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Durante el Bachillerato nacional en Casvi Boadilla, impulsamos a nuestros alumnos más allá del ámbito académico.

During this stage of the National Baccalaureate, we prepare our students for the University Entrance Exam (EvAU). To this end, we have various activities and initiatives to accompany our students.

Spanish Baccalaureate and guidance.

The Guidance Department plays a fundamental role in the Spanish Baccalaureate. Thanks to vocational guidance, our students can better guide their decisions in choosing their educational and professional future.

In addition to providing guidance on the most appropriate choice, workshops are held where students can learn first-hand about the options. In these workshops they also have the opportunity to carry out different tests that indicate which field would be more suitable for them, taking into account their skills and abilities.

El Departamento de Orientación juega un papel fundamental en la etapa del Bachillerato General. Gracias a la orientación vocacional, nuestros alumnos pueden conducir mejor sus decisiones de cara a elegir su futuro educativo y laboral.

During the Spanish Baccalaureate they also have the opportunity to attend the annual University Fair held at the center. It is attended by public and private, national and international universities to present their educational offerings so that they can make an informed choice. A great opportunity that our students enjoy without leaving the school.

On the other hand, the center also hosts the International Consultants Fair, where they can discuss options for studying outside Spain.

Spanish Baccalaureate and stress

As the International Baccalaureate is a time of big changes and big decisions, our students can sometimes feel overwhelmed. This is where the Guidance Department intervenes again through a stress management workshop that is taught in small groups. Thanks to them, they can handle, in a more positive way, critical times such as the exam season or the EvAU.

General Baccalaureate with the rest of the stages

Although it is a stage of hard work, our students also find enough time to collaborate with the other stages of the center. For example, students in 1st grade advise students in 4th grade. Secondary school before the choice of itinerary. They talk to them about what this new transition will entail and answer some of their questions. 

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