Celebrando el día de la Paz

Campamentos 2025

This month we celebrated Peace Day in our Casvi Boadilla school and it was a day full of messages of unity and hope. Each year group carried out activities and crafts inspired by peace, putting their creativity at the service of such an important message. From drawings and murals to small performances, all the students shared their vision of a more harmonious and united world!


The day began with the reading of a text related to this day and which reached all the classes in the school. A moment that our students have lived in silence and being aware of the message that two of their ESO classmates have transmitted to them.

In addition, the students, from our charter nursery school in Madrid, together with the charter primary school and guided by the secondary school students, worked as a team, designing handicrafts that reflect their dreams of a future where peace reigns. The highlight of the activity was the creation of collective murals, with each child adding their own personal touch to a common canvas depicting peace in its various forms.

The day was an opportunity to reflect on the importance of peace, a value that we all share and that we must continue to promote both in the classroom and in everyday life.

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