(+34) 916 329 653



Terms of Use

Terms of Use

This legal notice and information regulates the use of the service of the Internet website www.casvi.es (hereinafter referred to as the Site or Website). The owner of the Web Site is Eurolenguas S.A. (hereinafter CASVI). Please read the following information carefully before using this Site. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions below, do not access or use this Web Site or its content.

1) Conditions of access and use of the Web Site

User status is acquired by accessing this Web Site. The user is aware that the access and use of the services and contents of the Web Site is done under his sole and exclusive responsibility.

By accessing the Site, the user will be able to enjoy the use of various contents and services offered by CASVI.

The term “Site or Web Site” includes, but is not limited to, texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, computer applications, databases, codes, other works included therein and, in general, all creations expressed by any means or support, tangible or intangible, currently known or to be invented in the future.

The cost of telephone access or other charges for connection to the Web Site shall be borne solely by the user. The user must only meet the following technical conditions to benefit from the use of the Web Site: web browser and Internet connection.

The user must establish the appropriate technical security measures to prevent unwanted actions in its information system, files and computer equipment used to access the Internet and, in particular, the Web Site, being aware that the Internet is not totally secure.

2) Rights and obligations of the user

The user will be able to:

  • Access free of charge and without the need for prior authorization to the contents and services of the Web Site available as such, without prejudice to the technical and specific conditions or the need for prior registration with respect to specific services and contents, as determined in these general conditions or in any specific conditions that may be published, as the case may be.
  • Use the services and contents available for your private use only.
  • And to make a correct and lawful use of the Site, in accordance with current legislation, morality, good customs and public order.

In no case may the user:

  • Use the services and content offered through the Website in a manner contrary to the general conditions of use and/or the particular conditions governing the use of a particular service and/or content, and to the detriment or detriment of the rights of other users.
  • To access or use the services and contents of this Site for illicit purposes, harmful to the rights and freedoms of third parties, or that may harm, damage or impede in any way, access to the same, to the detriment of CASVI or third parties, or for the commission of illicit actions or actions contrary to current legislation, morality, good customs and public order.
  • Use the services, in whole or in part, to promote, sell, hire, disseminate advertising or information of their own or of third parties without prior authorization from CASVI.
  • Include hyperlinks on their private or commercial web pages to this Web Site in breach of the conditions provided for this purpose and/or reproduce all or part of the Web Site on another site or web page and without complying with the conditions provided for this purpose.
  • To take any action that prevents or hinders access to the Site by users, as well as to the hyperlinks to the services and contents offered by CASVI or by third parties through the Web Site and/or to use any type of computer virus, code, software, computer program, computer or telecommunications equipment that may cause damage or unauthorized alterations to the contents, programs or systems accessible through the services and contents provided on the Web Site or to the information systems, files and computer equipment of the users thereof; or unauthorized access to any content and/or services of the Web Site.
  • Eliminate or modify in any way the protection or identification devices of CASVI or its legitimate owners that may be included in the contents hosted on the Web Site, or the symbols that CASVI or the legitimate third party owners of the rights incorporate into their creations that are the object of intellectual or industrial property existing on this Web Site.
  • Include “metatags” corresponding to trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs owned by CASVI or third parties on websites under its responsibility or ownership.
  • Framing the Web Site or the web pages accessible through the same that hide or modify -with a delimiting but not limiting character- contents, advertising spaces and trademarks of CASVI or third parties, regardless of whether or not they involve acts of unfair competition or confusion.
  • Create frames within a website under its responsibility or ownership that reproduce the home page and/or the pages accessible through it corresponding to the Website without the prior authorization of CASVI.

The user of the Web Site will be personally liable for damages of any nature caused to CASVI, directly or indirectly, by the breach of any of the obligations derived from these general conditions or other rules governing the use of the Web Site.

3) CASVI rights

CASVI reserves the following rights:

  • Modify the conditions of access to the Web Site, technical or otherwise, unilaterally and without notice to users, without prejudice to the provisions of the specific conditions governing the use of a particular service and / or content of the Web Site.
  • Establish particular conditions and the demand of a price or other requirements for access to certain services and/or contents.
    Limit, exclude or condition the access of the users when not all the guarantees of correct use of the Website by them are given in accordance with the obligations and prohibitions assumed by them.
  • Terminate the provision of the service or supply of content, without the right to compensation, when the same is unlawful or contrary to the conditions established for the same, without prejudice to the provisions of the specific conditions governing the use of a particular service and / or content of the Website.
  • Unilaterally modify, without prior notice, whenever it deems appropriate, the structure and design of the Web Site, as well as update, modify or delete all or part of the contents or services and conditions of access and/or use of the Web Site, and may even limit or deny access to such information.
  • Deny, at any time and without prior notice, access to the Web Site to those users who do not comply with these general conditions.
  • To initiate any legal or judicial action that may be appropriate for the protection of the rights of CASVI as well as of third parties that provide their services or contents through the Web Site, whenever appropriate.
  • Demand compensation that may arise from the improper or unlawful use of all or part of the services and content provided through the Website.

4) CASVI's disclaimer and limitation of liability

CASVI is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind in the following cases:

  • Due to impossibility or difficulties of connection to the communications network through which this Web Site is accessible.
    For interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the Web Site, as well as for availability and continuity of the operation of the Web Site or of the services and/or contents therein, when this is due to a cause beyond CASVI’s control, whether directly or indirectly caused by CASVI.
  • Regarding the services and contents and the availability and conditions, technical or otherwise, of access thereto, which are offered by third party service providers, in particular, with respect to the providers of information society services, understood as such, those individuals or legal entities that provide the following services to the public (i) transmission over a communication network of data provided by the recipient of the service; (ii) access services to the aforementioned network; (iii) data storage or hosting services; (iv) provision of content or information; (v) temporary copy service of the data requested by users; (vi) providing links to content or search tools.
  • Regarding the quality and speed of access to the Web Site and the technical conditions that the user must meet in order to be able to access the Web Site and its services and/or contents.
  • And delays or failures that occur in the access or operation of the services or contents of the Website due to a case of Force Majeure.

5) Intellectual and Industrial Property

The user is aware that the contents and services offered through the Web Site -including texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, all comments, exhibitions, computer applications, databases and code of the same, without this enumeration having a limiting character- are protected by intellectual property laws. The copyright and economic exploitation rights of this Website correspond exclusively to CASVI. With regard to the contents included on the Website, the copyright and economic exploitation rights are the property of CASVI or, where applicable, of third parties or entities, and in both cases are protected by the intellectual property laws in force.

The trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs that appear on the Web Site are the property of CASVI or, as the case may be, of third parties, and are protected by the industrial property laws in force.

The provision of the services and publication of the contents through the Web Site shall not imply, in any case, the assignment, waiver or transfer, in whole or in part, of the ownership of the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

No part of this Web Site may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied, communicated publicly, transformed, in whole or in part, by any manual, electronic or mechanical system or method (including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system) through any medium now known or to be invented in the future, without the consent of CASVI. The use, under any modality, of all or part of the content of the Web Site is subject to the need to request prior authorization from CASVI and the acceptance of the corresponding license, if applicable, except for the provisions regarding the rights recognized and granted to the user in these general conditions or as determined in the specific conditions that CASVI may establish to regulate the use of a specific service and/or content offered through the Web Site.

Bajo ningún concepto, el usuario podrá realizar un uso o utilización de los servicios y contenidos existentes en la página que no sea exclusivamente personal, a salvo de las excepciones determinadas en las presentes condiciones generales de uso de este Sitio Web o en las condiciones particulares que CASVI tenga a bien establecer para regular el uso de un determinado servicio y/o contenido ofrecido a través del Sitio Web.

If the guilty or negligent action or omission directly or indirectly attributable to the user of the Website that originates the infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights of CASVI or of third parties -whether or not there is any benefit for the user- should cause CASVI damages, losses, joint and several obligations, expenses of any nature, sanctions, coercive measures, fines and other amounts arising or derived from any claim, demand, action, lawsuit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal or administrative, CASVI will have the right to take action against the user by all legal means within its reach and claim any compensatory amounts, including, but not limited to, moral damages and image, consequential damages and loss of profits, advertising costs or any other type of costs that may result for their reparation, amounts of sanctions or condemnatory sentences, interest for late payment, the cost of financing both amounts that may result for the opposing party, the legal costs and the amount of the defense in any process in which it may be sued for the aforementioned causes, for the damages caused by reason of its actions or omissions, without prejudice to the exercise of any other actions to which it may be entitled by law.

6) Hiperlinks

The use of hyperlinks from a web page of another Internet web site to any of the pages of this Web Site may only be made by the user in compliance with the following conditions:

  • The link may not reproduce, in whole or in part, any of the services or contents of the Web Site.
    No deep-linking, image links or frames may be established with the pages of the Web Site without the prior express authorization of CASVI.
  • No false, misleading, inaccurate or incorrect statement about the pages of the Web Site or the services or contents thereof shall be included.
  • Except for those signs that form part of the “hyperlink”, the web page on which it is established will not contain any trademark, trade name, establishment sign, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to CASVI, unless expressly authorized by this entity.
  • The establishment of the “hyperlink” does not imply the existence of any type of relationship between CASVI and the owner of the web page or web site from which it is made.
  • Any “hyperlink” to the Web Site shall be made to its home page or main pages of the sections it contains.

CASVI shall not be responsible for the contents or services made available to the public on the web page or Web Site from which the “hyperlink” is made, nor for the information and statements included therein.

7) Duration of the services and contents of the Website

The access, contents and services of this Web Site have, in principle, an indefinite duration. However, at any time, CASVI is authorized to terminate or suspend access, services and contents of the Web Site, without prejudice to the provisions of the corresponding Particular Conditions, if any. When reasonably possible, CASVI will give prior notice of the termination or suspension of the provision of services through this Site.

8) Legislation

These terms and conditions shall be governed by Spanish law.

9) Jurisdiction

In those cases in which the user acts in his capacity as a businessman with a profit motive and a purpose related to his commercial or business activity, trade or profession, he expressly waives any jurisdiction that may correspond to him and expressly submits himself to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain), for the resolution of any disputes that may arise from the interpretation or application of the terms established in these conditions.

In cases where the user has the status of consumer, in accordance with Article 3 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws (General Law on Consumers and Users), whether they are natural persons acting for purposes unrelated to their trade, business, trade or profession, or legal persons and unincorporated entities acting on a non-profit basis in a field unrelated to a trade or business, the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the consumer and user shall be applicable.

Likewise, and in these cases in which the user holds the status of consumer in accordance with the General Law on Consumers and Users, by virtue of the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution in consumer matters, the user may access the “Online Dispute Resolution Platform” through the following link: http://ec. europa.eu/consumers/odr/, developed by the European Commission, in order to attempt to resolve out-of-court any dispute arising from the provision by CASVI of information society services through this Website.

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