5 fun dance games for kids

Niña realizando estiramientos dentro de juegos divertidos para niños

Throughout history, dance has evolved into a unique discipline. Through fun dance games, children learn to communicate, enjoy physical exercise, and develop cognitive skills. It goes far beyond simple movement

Dancing is an innate activity in children when they begin to listen to music. There is a variety of research on the rhythm of babies with different intonations. This is an activity that should be encouraged, not only for the physical and mental development of children, but also for the various psychological and emotional benefits it brings.

Unlike adults, children let themselves go and enjoy the dance without feeling embarrassed and, therefore, with greater freedom. When this activity is practiced from an early age, the emotional values that are generated are really valuable.

What are the benefits of fun dance games?

As we have already mentioned, there are many benefits of fun dance games for children. They are truly valuable for development. In addition, by dancing, children work on intellectual and social abilities and acquire creative and self-confidence skills.

  1. Dancing promotes cardiovascular exercise. The heart is one of the great beneficiaries of the body movement involved in dancing. When a person dances, he submits his body to a stimulus that makes the heart work to pump the blood that the rest of the organism needs.
  2. It is a practice to improve balance, coordination, concentration and memory. Balance is fundamental when it comes to dancing. And, over time, children master coordination.
  3. It has been proven that children who practice dance on a continuous basis are more successful academically. This is thanks to working the mind and cognitive abilities such as memory or observation.
  4. Dancing strengthens muscles and improves flexibility.
  5. It helps to create bonds and make new friends, i.e., greater socialization. It is one of the best ways to socialize while having fun.
  6. Dancing develops the sense of rhythm and the musical ear.
  7. Dancing releases tension and increases self-esteem.

Music and fun dance games

Music is not only a tool that excites, but it is also very flattering. Dance, along with music, serves to stimulate motor and social skills in children.

Together, they form an effective weapon that makes children improve in all aspects of their lives. In fact, it is recommended to stimulate babies from the womb through music.

Children should dance to their own rhythm and not be forced. From a young age, we should enjoy the freedom of dancing.

Fun dance games in the classroom

  • STOP Game. This is a typical game of tag. Before you get caught you have to say “Stop”. Only that while the children stand like statues, they have to stand on tiptoe to work on their balance.
  • Chair set. While the music is playing, everyone must run around the chairs and when the music stops, they must sit on one of the chairs. Whoever does not get a seat will be out of the game.
  • The dancing ball. In circles and with the music, the ball is passed from one to the other. When the ball reaches you, it will be your turn to dance for a few seconds.
  • The little train game. A little train is made up of children. The little machines and guides will be the end and the rest will have to do what the guides do: move a leg, drop their hands, bend down, etc.
  • The dance of emotions. Different songs are played that reflect moods in a certain way: happy songs, sad songs, fast songs, classical music, etc. The main idea is that with each dance fragment the children try to reflect with their movements what the song provokes in them. This is a very recurrent activity in the performing arts and helps us to understand emotions.

Fun dance game in Casvi Boadilla

Through musical games, children develop their creativity. Music is often accompanied by dancing and they know this very well at music hours.

On the other hand, the youngest children also develop their creativity through music in the Psychomotricity classes that, in Casvi Boadilla, are given in English.

In addition, the Grandparents’ Day or the End of the School Year Party are perfect days to show the talent and creativity of the little ones.

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